Dr. Karen Liu | Acupuncturist



Dr. Karen Liu is a magician. I’m pretty convinced of it. Not only is she the most effective acupuncturist I’ve come across, she’s also just one super cool chick who you’ll enjoy hanging out with for 45min. When my cycle got severely messed up from a bad encounter with birth control, Dr. Karen helped (and by helped I mean actually made) my cycle go back to normal and as a result? Voila! Pregnancy! If you’re thinking of getting pregnant, struggling to do so, or just really are looking for a way to feel balanced and calm – read on!

What is one of the biggest hindrances to fertility you see?

In acupuncture, we look at balancing the body so that everything functions correctly as a whole. If the body can’t handle the day to day stresses of life or there’s a major imbalance, it’s going to have a difficult time creating a baby. The biggest hindrances I find and usually try to fix in either partner is: stress and mental blocks, abnormal hormone levels, and structural imbalances in the low back or pelvis. Here’s some simple questions I will usually ask my clients:

  • Stress & mental blocks: Is there any reason why you wouldn’t want to get pregnant? Are you scared of gaining weight or any experiencing body changes? Would this cause issues with your parents, in-laws or silbings? Do you actually want to get pregnant and do you feel like you are ready? 
  • Abnormal hormone levels: Is your period regular? How bad is your PMS? Any hot flashes? Is the female older in age? Any low libido issues? Is your sperm fully developed? How is your sperm count?
  • Structural imbalances in the low back or pelvis: Any major accidents, injuries or surgeries to your low back? Any low back or pelvic issues? *This one I’ve found to be important because if there are any structural issues, all the nerves and blood vessels in the area will also be affected. This could change how the reproductive organs function and how the female’s body is able to support and carry a growing fetus.

If my clients answer yes to any of these questions, we delve deeper to try and work on their outlooks and correct any physical issues their body may be experiencing.

How can acupuncture help stimulate fertility?

Acupuncture can help stimulate fertility in array of different ways: altering libido, changing water metabolism and body fluid levels, increasing blood flow or quantity, decreasing inflammation, managing stress, or helping to normalize hormone levels and periods. It just depends what the issue might be for each couple. The doctor will usually evaluate the situation and address whatever is going on with the individual or couple.

Any points people can press on themselves to help them feel calm throughout their day?

Yes definitely! You can acupressure (applying circular pressure with 1 or 2 fingers) on some of my favorite & easiest points:

  • Yintang aka hall of impressions, this is located centrally between the eyebrows otherwise known as your third eye. This point is used for calming the spirit and thoughts, insomnia, headaches or sinus issues.
  • Heart 7 (red circle)- shenmen aka gate to the spirit, this is located on the pinky side of the inner wrist line, just outside the tendon. This point is used for calming your spirit, insomnia, chest pain or palpitations, emotional issues.
  • Pericardium 6 (blue circle)– neiguan aka inner gate, located about 1 inch away from the center of the inner wrist crease, between the two tendons, in the direction of your elbow crease. This point is used for chest congestion or pain, mood issues, calming the spirit, as well as nausea and vomiting. It is often used for seasickness, issues with flying and 1st trimester pregnancy sickness.


When is it time to give acupuncture a go in the process of getting pregnant?

You can really start at any time. I’ve had clients who came in without any known issues simply try acupuncture to improve their chances of making a honeymoon baby. And I’ve had other clients who have tried getting pregnant for years and have experienced failed rounds of in vitro fertilization (IVF), just seeking any alternative or complementary therapy that might help. A few key things that might prompt a couple to consider acupuncture is: low or underdeveloped sperm count, low libido, irregular periods, abnormal hormone levels, or if either partner is over the age of 40.

What are the benefits to doing acupuncture during your pregnancy?

Acupuncture is able to help ensure a smoother and easier pregnancy.

  • It helps with calming mood and anxiety so pregnant women can deal with any stressors in their life
  • It can help regulate hormones so that nausea and vomiting aren’t as bad
  • It can help regulate water metabolism to reduce bloating and ensure ample fluid in the amniotic sac for the baby
  • It helps with correcting insomnia and boosting energy
  • It can assist with any pains associated with the body’s changes during pregnancy, mainly low back and pelvic
  • It can help induce delivery if the pregnancy has gone too long past the due date
  • There are also points known to help create a happy beautiful baby!

Can acupuncture really help induce labor if needed or turn the baby the correct way? How?

Yes, there are acupuncture points that help guide the qi (energy of the body) downwards. These points are usually used to help induce labor by inspiring the baby to come down and out. I will usually acupuncture these points or have other health care practitioners, doulas and husbands do acupressure when the expecting mothers are close to or past their due dates. Most women will feel their babies move a bit more once these points are stimulated. There are also methods of helping to correct the baby’s position with the use of moxa (burning a chinese herb similar to a giant incense stick) that is known for promoting a breech to sometimes turn. Expecting mother’s can try a chiropractic technique known as Webster technique that simply helps with correcting the structure of the pelvic ligaments and muscles giving room for the baby to turn.

When do you think people will start to come around more to this new wave of health and treatment as a viable option?

I think this movement has already started! There’s been so much research and public awareness through social media that have really sparked an interest in acupuncture for making babies and promoting healthy pregnancies. I see more people talking about it all the time. But if they haven’t tried it yet, it usually takes a spark of random curiosity or motivation from someone they look up to as a friend or celebrity. And sometimes it’s a last resort for those that have tried everything else.

Live in L.A. and want to see Karen for yourself? You can make an appointment at Wellness for Life – 310-315-1514